Index of articles related to the Ottoman Empire

The Ottoman Empire (1299–1922) is a historical Muslim empire, also known by its contemporaries as the Turkish Empire or Turkey after the principal ethnic group. At its zenith in the second half of the 16th century it controlled Southeast Europe, Southwest Asia and North Africa. Below are the links to articles about the Ottoman Empire.

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1913 Ottoman coup d'état31 March Incident


Abdulaziz IAbdulcelil LevniAbdulhamid IAbdulhamid IIAbdülmecid IIAbdülmecit IAction of Khan BaghdadiAdil GirayAdile Sultan PalaceAdile SultanaAgah EfendiAgalukAhmed Resmî EfendiAhmed Tevfik PashaAhmed Vefik PashaAhmed Izzet PashaAhmed CemalAhmet Cevdet PashaAhmed IAhmed IIAhmed IIIAimée du Buc de RivéryAkkerman ConventionAlaeddin PashaAlemdar Mustafa PashaAlgiers expedition (1541)Ali KuşçuAli PashaAmcazade Köprülü Hüseyin PashaApril UprisingArab revoltArmistice of ErzincanArmistice of MudrosAtik Ali Pasha MosqueAtik SinanAtik Valide MosqueAtçalı Kel MehmetAydın ReisAynalıkavak PalaceAyşe Hafsa SultanAyşe HatunAyşe SineAşıkpaşazade


Balkan WarsBaltacı Mehmet PashaBalyan familyBarbaros Hayreddin PashaBattle of AbaranBattle of Abu TellulBattle of Abukir (1799)Battle of Al-SafraBattle of AlamanaBattle of Andros (1696)Battle of AnkaraBattle of ArdahanBattle of ArpachaiBattle of AthosBattle of BakuBattle of BapheusBattle of Basra (1914)Battle of Beersheba (1917)Battle of Beirut (1912)Battle of BilecaBattle of BitlisBattle of BizaniBattle of BreadfieldBattle of BulairBattle of ChesmaBattle of Chunuk BairBattle of Ctesiphon (1915)Battle of DervenakiaBattle of DjerbaBattle of DragashaniBattle of DubravnicaBattle of DujailaBattle of Edirne (1913)Battle of El Buggar RidgeBattle of ErzincanBattle of Es SinnBattle of EupatoriaBattle of FocchiesBattle of FocşaniBattle of Formentera (1529)Battle of GiannitsaBattle of GrockaBattle of Gully RavineBattle of HannaBattle of Hill 60 (Gallipoli)Battle of IhtimanBattle of Imbros (1717)Battle of Jeddah (1813)Battle of Jerusalem (1917)Battle of KagulBattle of KamateroBattle of Kara Killisse (1915)Battle of KarakilisaBattle of KardzhaliBattle of KeresztesBattle of Khotyn (1621)Battle of Khotyn (1673)Battle of KonyaBattle of KosovaBattle of Kosovo (1448)Battle of Krbava fieldBattle of Krithia VineyardBattle of KulevichaBattle of KumanovoBattle of KurekdereBattle of KırklareliBattle of Kızıl TepeBattle of LargaBattle of Lepanto (1571)Battle of Lone PineBattle of Lule BurgasBattle of MagdhabaBattle of Manzikert (1915)Battle of MaritsaBattle of Marj DabiqBattle of MatapanBattle of Megiddo (1918)Battle of MerhamliBattle of ModonBattle of MohácsBattle of Mohács (1687)Battle of MonastirBattle of Mughar RidgeBattle of NavarinoBattle of NezibBattle of NicopolisBattle of OltenitzaBattle of OtlukbeliBattle of PelekanonBattle of Pente PigadiaBattle of PetrovaradinBattle of Ponza (1552)Battle of PrevezaBattle of PrilepBattle of QurnaBattle of RafaBattle of Ramadi (1917)Battle of RidaniehBattle of RomaniBattle of RovineBattle of RymnikBattle of Saint Gotthard (1664)Battle of SarantaporoBattle of SardarapatBattle of Sari BairBattle of SarikamishBattle of SavraBattle of Scimitar HillBattle of SharqatBattle of Sheikh Sa'adBattle of Shipka PassBattle of SinopBattle of SisakBattle of SlankamenBattle of SokhoistaBattle of SorovichBattle of StavuchanyBattle of TashkessenBattle of Tobruk (1911)Battle of TorchesBattle of UjëbardhaBattle of Valea AlbaBattle of VarnaBattle of VasluiBattle of ViennaBattle of Wadi (1916)Battle of Yaunis KhanBattle of YenijeBattle of ZentaBattle of ZonchioBattle of the Dardanelles (1654)Battle of the Dardanelles (1655)Battle of the Dardanelles (1656)Battle of the Dardanelles (1657)Battle of the NekBattle of the Oinousses IslandsBattle of the PyramidsBattle of ÇaldıranBattle of ÇıldırBattle of ČegarBattle of ŞarköyBattle of Ţuţora (1620)Bayezid IIBayezid II MosqueBergmann OffensiveBeyazit IBeylerbeyBeylerbeyi PalaceBezmiâlemBuhurizade ItriByzantine–Ottoman WarsBâkî


Campaigns of Suleiman the MagnificentCaucasus CampaignCemCezayirli Gazi Hasan PashaCezzar Ahmet PashaCharter of AllianceCigalazade Yusuf Sinan PashaConvention of KütahyaConvention of London (1840)Convention of ScutariCretan WarCroatian–Ottoman WarsCulture of the Ottoman EmpireCyprus ConventionCyprus under the Ottoman Empire


DadaloğluDamat Ferit PashaDamat İbrahim PashaDecline of the Ottoman EmpireDede EfendiDemographics of the Ottoman EmpireDevlet HatunDevlet II GirayDevlet I GirayDissolution of the Ottoman EmpireDolmabahçe MosqueDolmabahçe Palace


Economic history of the Ottoman EmpireEdirne eventEmetullah Rabia Gülnûş SultanEmine HatunEnderunEnver PashaErzerum OffensiveEsma Sultan MansionEsma Sultana (1778–1848)Ethem PashaEvliya ÇelebiEyüp Sultan Mosque


Fall of Baghdad (1917)Fall of the Ottoman EmpireFao LandingFatih MosqueFehime SultanFirst Battle of GazaFirst Battle of KrithiaFirst Constitutional Era (Ottoman Empire)First Suez OffensiveFiruz Ağa MosqueFuzûlî


Gallipoli CampaignGazi EvrenosGazi Hüseyin PashaGedik Ahmed PashaGreco-Turkish War (1897)Greek War of IndependenceGrowth of the Ottoman EmpireGülbahar SultanGülcemalGülçiçek HatunGülüstü


HabeshHacı Arif BeyHadim Mehmed PashaHadım Sinan PashaHafız PostHalil Rifat PashaHampartsoum LimondjianHandan Agha MosqueHandan SultanHatice Sultan PalaceHayâlîHersekzade Ahmed PashaHezârfen Ahmed ÇelebiHistory of Bosnia and Herzegovina (1463–1878)History of Ottoman-era TunisiaHistory of Ottoman AlbaniaHistory of Ottoman AlgeriaHistory of Ottoman EgyptHistory of Ottoman LibyaHistory of Ottoman MontenegroHistory of Ottoman SerbiaHistory of early Ottoman BulgariaHistory of the Serbian–Turkish warsHoca Ali RizaHoca Sadeddin EfendiHusein GradaščevićHâfiz OsmanHüma Hatun


Ibrahim IIhlamur PalaceIktaIndian Ocean campaignsInvasion of Algiers in 1830Islam III GirayItalian War of 1542–1546Italo-Turkish War


JannisaryJean de La ForêtJelali revolts


Kabakçı MustafaKadilukKaracaoğlanKaramani Mehmed PashaKatip ÇelebiKaya SultanKemal ReisMehmed Fuad PashaKhadija MuazzezKhedive PalaceHusrev PashaKoca Mustafa Reşit PashaKoca Ragıp PashaKoca Sinan PashaKosovo Province, Ottoman EmpireKoçi BeyKurtoğlu Hızır ReisKurtoğlu Muslihiddin ReisKuyucu Murat PashaKöprülü Fazıl AhmedKöprülü Fazıl Mustafa PashaKöprülü Mehmed PashaKöprülü Numan PashaKöprülü eraKöprülü familyKösem SultanKüçüksu PalaceKılıç Ali PashaKılıç Ali Pasha Complex


Lagari Hasan ÇelebiLala Kara Mustafa PashaLaleli MosqueLanding at Anzac CoveLanding at Cape HellesLanding at Suvla BayLevidis familyLine of succession to the Ottoman throneList of Crimean khansList of Ottoman Grand ViziersList of Ottoman sieges and landingsList of Valide SultansList of admirals in the Ottoman EmpireList of battles involving the Ottoman EmpireList of cities conquered by the Ottoman EmpireList of sultans of the Ottoman EmpireList of the mothers of the Ottoman SultansList of treaties of the Ottoman EmpireLondon Straits ConventionLütfi Pasha


Mahfiruze Hatice SultanMahidevranMahmud PashaMahmud Shevket PashaMahmud IMahmud IIMal HatunMamluk rule in IraqMaslak PalaceMatrakçı NasuhMecelleMehmed Emin Aali PashaMehmed IV GirayMehmed I GirayMehmed Said EfendiMehmed Emin Rauf PashaMehmed IMehmed IIMehmed IIIMehmed IVMehmed VMehmed VIMelek Ahmet PashaMerzifonlu Kara Mustafa PashaMesopotamian campaignMezzo Morto Hüseyin PashaMeñli I GirayMihrimah SultanMihrimah Sultan MosqueMihrimah Sultan Mosque (Üsküdar)Mihrimah SultanaMihrişah Valide SultanMilitary of the Ottoman EmpireMilletMimar KasımMimar SinanMidhat PashaMolla Çelebi MosqueMosques commissioned by the Ottoman dynastyMuhammed Ali of EgyptMurat IMurat IIMurat IIIMurat IVMurat Reis the ElderMurat VMusa ÇelebiMuslimMustafa AliMustafa IMustafa IIMustafa IIIMustafa IVMustafa NaimaMustafa SelanikiMüezzinzade Ali PashaMüneccimbaşı Ahmed Dede


Nakkaş OsmanNamık KemalNapoleonic Campaign in EgyptNaval Battle of ElliNaval Battle of KaliakraNaval Battle of LemnosNaval operations in the Dardanelles CampaignNedîmNef'iNevşehirli Damat İbrahim PashaNew MosqueNeşâtîNilüfer HatunNorth AfricaNurbanu SultanNuruosmaniye MosqueNusretiye Mosque


OrbanOrhan IOrtaköy MosqueOruç ReisOsman Aga of TimişoaraOsman Hamdi BeyOsman IOsman IIOsman IIIOsman Nuri PashaOttoman-Iran warsOttoman BulgariaOttoman DynastyOttoman EmpireOttoman GreeceOttoman HungaryOttoman InterregnumOttoman PorteOttoman SyriaOttoman Turkish languageOttoman Vardar MacedoniaOttoman family treeOttoman palaces in IstanbulOttoman wars in EuropeOttoman–Habsburg warsOttoman–Venetian Wars (disambiguation)Ottoman–Venetian maritime treaty (1416)


Pargalı İbrahim PashaPartitioning of the Ottoman EmpirePashaPatrona HalilPeace of AmasyaPeace of KhotynPeace of SzegedPeace of VasvarPeace of ZsitvatorokPertevniyalPertevniyal Valide Sultan MosquePir Sultan AbdalPiri ReisPiyale PashaPolish–Ottoman Wars (disambiguation)Princess Hatice


Rabia SultanRahime PerestuRebellions in the Ottoman EmpireReligion in the Ottoman EmpireRise of the Ottoman EmpireRoxelanaRusso-Turkish War (disambiguation)Russo-Turkish War (1710–1711)Rüstem PashaRüstem Pasha Mosque


Safiye SultanSahib I GiraySaid Halim PashaSalih ReisSaliha DilashubSaliha SabkatiSamarrah OffensiveSanjakScience and technology in the Ottoman EmpireSecond Battle of GazaSecond Battle of KrithiaSecond Battle of KutSecond Constitutional Era (Ottoman Empire)Sedefkar Mehmed AghaSelim ISelim IISelim IIISelim I GiraySerbian revolutionSeydi Ali ReisShehsuvarSheikh BedrettinSiege of KutSiege of PlevnaSiege of Scutari (1912–1913)Siege of Scutari (1478)Silahdar Findiklili Mehmed AgaSilahtar Ali PashaSinai and Palestine CampaignSinan Pasha Mosque (Istanbul)SipahiSocial structure in the Ottoman EmpireSokollu Mehmed PashaSokollu Mehmet Pasha MosqueSoutheast EuropeStagnation of the Ottoman EmpireState organization of the Ottoman EmpireSuleyman ISuleyman IISuleyman Pasha (son of Orhan)Sultan Ahmed MosqueSultanate of WomenSüleymaniye Mosque


Talaat PashaTamburi Cemil BeyTanburi Büyük Osman BeyTanzimatTaqi al-Din Muhammad ibn Ma'rufTatyos EfendiTelli Hasan PashaTevfik FikretTeşvikiye MosqueThe Auspicious IncidentThird Battle of GazaThird Battle of KrithiaTimarTimeline of Turkish historyTirimüjganTiryaki Hasan PashaTophane AgreementTopkapı PalaceTreaty of AdrianopleTreaty of Ahmet PashaTreaty of AthensTreaty of AynalıkavakTreaty of BakhchisaraiTreaty of Balta LimanTreaty of BatumTreaty of BelgradeTreaty of Berlin (1878)Treaty of Brest LitovskTreaty of Bucharest (1812)Treaty of BuczaczTreaty of Constantinople (1479)Treaty of Constantinople (1533)Treaty of Constantinople (1700)Treaty of Constantinople (1724)Treaty of Constantinople (1832)Treaty of Constantinople (1897)Treaty of Constantinople (1913)Treaty of Adrianople (1547)Treaty of Adrianople (1568)Treaty of ErzurumTreaty of Istanbul (1590)Treaty of Hünkâr İskelesiTreaty of JassyTreaty of KarlowitzTreaty of KerdenTreaty of Kuchuk KainarjiTreaty of London (1913)Treaty of Nasuh PashaTreaty of Niš (1739)Treaty of Paris (1856)Treaty of PassarowitzTreaty of PruthTreaty of San StefanoTreaty of SeravTreaty of SèvresTreaty of SistovaTreaty of TripoliTreaty of ZuhabTreaty of ZurawnoTreaty of the DardanellesTreaty of İstanbul (1736)Treaty with Algeria (1795)Treaty with Tunis (1797)Trebizond CampaignTughraTulip periodTurgut ReisTurhan Hatice


World War I


Yavuz Selim MosqueYeni Valide MosqueYirmisekiz Mehmed ÇelebiYusuf Izzettin EfendiYıldız Hamidiye MosqueYıldız Palace


Zağanos PashaZeynep Sultan MosqueZiya Gökalp


Çandarlı (2nd) Halil PashaÇandarlı FamilyÇandarlı Kara Halil Hayreddin PashaÇorlulu Ali PashaÇınar IncidentÇırağan PalaceÖküz Kara Mehmet PashaÖmer SeyfettinÖzdemir PashaÖzdemiroğlu Osman Pashaİbrahim Hakkı Erzurumiİbrahim Müteferrikaİbrahim Peçeviİdris-i BitlisiŞahin GirayŞahkulu RebellionŞehzade MosqueŞehzade MustafaŞeker Ahmet PaşaŞemsi PashaŞemsi Pasha MosqueŞerafeddin SabuncuoğluŞevkefza SultanŞinasi

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